For the first time in 10 years more people living abroad than in Portugal were granted Portuguese nationality, mostly by naturalisation and in 77% of cases descents from Sephardic Jews.
"The number of acquisitions of nationality by people living abroad increased from two thousand to 30 thousand between 2011 and 2021," highlights a Pordata study released on 18th December, International Migrants Day.
Israeli citizens (65%) stand out among the residents abroad who obtained Portuguese citizenship last year (19,466). They are followed by Brazilians (5,398), Cape Verdeans (407), Angolans (317) and Ukrainians (16).
Naturalisation became possible for adults or emancipated persons who have not been condemned to a prison sentence of three years or more and who demonstrate "the circumstances that determine the tradition of belonging to a Sephardic community of Portuguese origin, namely family names, family language, direct descent or family relationship in the collateral line of a common parent from the Sephardic community".
Among those residing in Portugal, 24,516 obtained Portuguese citizenship in 2021, the majority (61%) by living in the country for at least six years.
In this case, Brazilians (7,736) were the most represented nationality among those who were granted Portuguese citizenship due to residence in the country, Cape Verdeans (2,913) the second most expressive, followed by Ukrainians (1,603), Angolans (1,587) and Israelis (1,013).
Marriage or non-marital union with a Portuguese citizen was the reason for granting citizenship in 16% of all cases.
Of all new Portuguese passports issued last year, 45% went to foreigners of Sephardic Jewish descent and 28% for people having resided in the country for at least six years.
"In 2021, acquisitions of Portuguese nationality more than doubled compared to 2011," the study said.
Last year, 865 Golden Visas were granted in Portugal, which resulted in an investment of 461 million Euros, equivalent to 01 % of total private investment in the country, 186 million Euros less than the previous year, "confirming a downward trajectory seen since 2017," the document states.
Source: Lusa